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Wysłany: Pon 8:42, 13 Gru 2010 Temat postu: A flustered flock of pigeons |
International The Vatican and Islam A flustered flock of pigeons 梵蒂冈与伊斯兰教:纷乱不宁的鸽群 Jan 24th 2008 From The Economist print edition 来源:《》印刷版,2008/01/24 译文:witt How to talk to Muslims (and others); Catholics seem unsure 如何与穆斯林(及其他人)对话?罗马教廷似乎尚未确定 WHEN 138 Muslim scholars sent an open request to leaders of the Christian world, from Catholics to Methodists, for a theological dialogue hair wigs, they knew they were setting a cat among the pigeons. It was a fair bet that senior Christians would soon be looking over each other's shoulders, anxious not to be too liberal or too harsh in their reply. 当138名穆斯林学者向基督教世界――从罗马教会到卫理公会――的领袖们发出进行一场神学对话的公开邀请时,他们知道这是“把猫赶进鸽群里”――定要引起轩然大波。毋庸置疑的是,那些高级基督徒们不久就会彼此警惕,担心自己的回复是否过于大方或者过于尖刻。 And something like that has happened. America's Southern Baptists have blamed mainstream Protestants for responding too warmly; and even the usually well-organised Catholics have been less than co-ordinated. The Vatican's point man on inter-faith relations, Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, initially saw little scope for talking to Muslims about theology. But Pope Benedict XVI later agreed to receive some of the Muslim signatories. That process will start soon. 而且,这种事已经出现了。美国南方浸信会(Southern Baptist)指责主流的新教徒反应过于热情;甚至连通常组织有方的罗马教会也已有些不那么协调一致。梵蒂冈负责宗教间关系事务的官员让-路易?图兰枢机主教(Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran)最初认为没什么与穆斯林讨论神学的余地。但教宗本笃十六世(Pope Benedict XVI)后来同意接见部分参与联署的穆斯林。双方的对话不久就会启动。 Easily the boldest Catholic response to the Muslim letter has been an essay by an Australian Jesuit scholar, Daniel Madigan, published this month. He took seriously the Muslim idea of a dialogue based on the commands of Jesus of Nazareth to love God and one another. Important as these commands were, they were not the basis of the Christian faith: God's love for man was a more basic point, the Jesuit argued. But for all his quibbles, he did engage with the Muslims' theological views in earnest. 天主教徒对穆斯林来信最鲁莽无礼的答复大概要算澳大利亚耶稣会学者丹尼尔?麦迪根(Daniel Madigan)本月发表的一篇短文。他一本正经地将穆斯林要求进行对话的提议视为是想命令拿撒勒的耶稣去爱上帝和另一个(主)。这名耶稣会会士辩称,重要的是,这些命令并非基督教的基本信仰:更根本的在于上帝对人类的爱。倘若不是他全都在牵强附会 Synthetic Wigs,他倒是真诚地加入到了与穆斯林神学思想的对话中。 As the largest of the Catholic church's religious orders, the Jesuits like to test the limits of dialogue. Before his death in 2004, a Jesuit pioneer of Catholic thinking on Hinduism, Jacques Dupuis, suffered many scoldings from the Vatican's doctrinal enforcer: then called Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger; now pope. 作为罗马天主教中最大的一个修会,耶稣会喜欢测试这一对话的极限。罗马天主教会印度教思想的先驱,耶稣会士雅克?杜普伊斯(Jacques Dupuis)在2004年去世之前 Synthetic Wigs,曾多次受到梵蒂冈信理部部长――当时的约瑟夫?拉青格枢机(Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger)、当今的教宗――的训斥。 The Jesuits' new superior-general, elected this month, also exemplifies the order's belief in living “at the frontiers” of culture: like another recent holder of that office (who fell out badly with the Vatican bigwigs), Adolfo Nicolás is a Spanish expert on Japan. He takes office in interesting ecumenical times. 本月选举产生的耶稣会新任总会长也是该修会信奉生活在文化“边缘地区”的表率:就像此前担任该职的那位(此人曾与梵蒂冈头面人物激烈争吵),阿道弗?尼古拉斯(Adolfo Nicolás)是一名西班牙籍的日本专家。他在这个引人注目的合一时代就职。 |