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Air-conditioning Design Manual [M】. Beijing: China Building Industry Press, 1995. 【3】 any energy, Valley wave. Flat heat transfer and flow characteristics of the numerical simulation 『J】. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, 2006. (4). Received date :2009 -08-20 Revised :2009-10-16AnalysisonWaterFlowVelocitySInfluenceonHeat-transferCoefficientofAirCoolingCoilZHANGWei, PENGFei, FENGCui-hua, KONGXiao-ming,mbt shoes sale, ZHOUJun-hai,Christian Louboutin, QIANXue-feng (HefeiGenerdMachineryResearchInstitute, Hefei230088, China) Abstract: Throughtheenergyconservationprinciple, therelationshipbetweenwaterflowvelocityandheattransfercoefficientofaircoolingcoilwasderived . Thenbytheexperimentsandtestdata, thetrendsofheattransfercoefficientwasanalysed. Itindicatedthattheincreaseofwaterflowcanenhancetheheattransfercoolereffect, butthetrendthatheattransfercoefficient'Sincreasewiththeincreasingofthewaterflowwouldbecomeslow. Keywords: aircoolingcoil; waterflowvelocity; energyconservationtheory; heat-· transfercoefficient Author: Zhang Wei (1981 a), male, Hubei days door people, bachelor, engineer,louboutin københavn, refrigeration and air conditioning performance in a variety of test equipment design. (Continued from page 36) References: China Electric Power Press,mulberry outlet, 2005 [1】 Lu Yaoqing. Practical Design Manual heating and air conditioning [I Ⅵ]. Beijing: China Building Industry Press, 2008. 【2】 Fan Yongsheng, Wang Min. Electrical Control and PLC applications 【z1. [3] Planning and Design Institute of China Aviation Industry. Industrial and commercial power distribution design manual 【M]. Beijing: Received date :2009-07-13 Revised :2009-08-24DesignofAir-conditionandTechnicalPowerSupplyofXiamenStarTVOpenStudioWANGQi-wenAbstract: ThedesignoftheairconditioninganditsautomaticcontrolsystemforaopenstudioinXiamenTVwasintroduced, whichhastheadvantagesofhighsafetyandgoodeconomics. Thenthetechnicalpowerdistributionsystemanditscharacteristicsweredescribed, whichfullyguaranteedtheprogrammemakingandbroadcasting. Keywords: air-· condition; technicalpowersupply; de ~ ndandarrangethesmoke; security Author: Wang Qiwen (1975 a), male, Fujian Hui'an people, Bachelor of Engineering,alexa mulberry taske, engineer. 52I No. copulate O00OO0OO0O0O3 such as Xie ∞ as eleven Quchuoduozui
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