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Wysłany: Sob 23:49, 07 Maj 2011 Temat postu: imagenes ed hardy Piezoelectric beam vibration act |
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Piezoelectric beam vibration active control of multiple-input multiple-output
yticalandexperimentalresuIts. In: Proceedingsofthe3rdInternationalConferenceonAdaptiveStructures (SanDiego, CA), Piezoelectric applications. Jinan: Shandong University Press, 198 513 Beam Road, Yan,imagenes ed hardy, Xiao Ming Shan. Piezoelectric effect and its application. Beijing: Science Publishing House, Cape, 198 714 Liyue Feng, Lu rich people. Sounds of multi-input multi-output sound function estimation. Air University, 1986 {7 (6l: 596 ~ 6 ∞ MultipleInputMultipleOutputActiveVibrationControlforPiezoelectricBearnsLiYuefengZhul ~ 'olaoYao,abercrombie outlet,, runLiuJuan (InstituteofVibrationEngineeringResearch,mbt shoes sale, NanjingUniversityofAeronauticsandAstronauticsNanjingt210016) AbstractAbeambondedwithdistributedpiezoeeramicwafersasactuatorsandsensorsjsrefefredtoasapiezoelectricbeam.Thefrequencyresponsefunctionmatrixofthebeamfromtheactuatordrivingvoltagestothesensorouputvoltagesisderived, whichisusedasthedynamicmodelofthepiezoelectricbeaminitsactivevibrationcontroldesign.Amultiple-inputandmuhiple-OUtputcontrolapproachispresentedtosup-pressthevibrationofthebeamsubjectedtoaslowly - changingperiodicdynamicturbulence.Basedonthereal-timeidentificationofthefrequencyresponsefunctionmatrix,Franklin and Marshall uk, theapproachwasrealizedinatestofatwoinputtwooutputpiezoelectricbeamundergoingvibrationwithmultipleharmonicsandmultiplemodes, andthesatisfactoryresultswereobtained. Keywords: controlsystems; activevibrationcontrol; intelligentstructuresIpiezoelectricactuators; piezo-electricsensors Li Yuefeng the first of the men, researchers, students January 1938 1O. good saying Nang Peng Xiao Kui Zhai DW capsule capsule ■ Wong summer dance drunk love potato basket Sharp smoked soil splash vend valve mold evil scape good copy shame Dendroctonus heavy rain Equipment Management Association of China scheduled for 1998 u 26-30 at the Beijing International Convention Center, . Vibration Engineering Society of China invited to the exhibition as a support unit, will participate in relevant activities. Institute Fellow was hired as director of Wenhu Consultant Fair Organizing Committee Address: Beijing Sanlihe turn the State Planning Commission of China Association of Equipment Management Technology Contact Phone :010 -68501987, 68512184. (vibration News)
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