PostWysłany: ¦ro 11:43, 24 Lis 2010    Temat postu: Puma Speed Cat The Stranger by Albert Cam Puma Sho

A short read and one that is quite thought-provoking, Albert Camus famous philosophical novel L'Etranger Puma Speed Cat, or The Stranger, is worth every moment. The text is extremely sensory in nature Puma Shoes, unexpectedly concise in something similar to Hemingway's prose though infinitely more abstracted and confused in some senses. Much of this is likely due to the immense confusion of the protagonist, the Algerian Meursault, as he navigates a society in which he is an outsider.
Another recurring theme that strikes a mental chord throughout the novel is the constant reiteration that, as Meursault recalls not showing the proper dismay with regards to his mother's death, nearly everyone is indignant or at least disturbed by his lack of expected mourning, and in turn, of the requisite social graces contingent thereof. While he quite simply states that he did not have the financial means to support her in his home, and that he knew she would make friends in the Home – it seemed to those around him as if he was heartless and selfish in his decisions.
The judgment of others upon the individual is of central importance throughout The Stranger, and in Meursault's oblivious misunderstanding of the situations that surround him. He is constantly being judged and scrutinized – winning friends with his honesty and integrity (even the tragic figure of Marie, a woman who admires Meursault for his strength and yet never received the benefit of his love).
Read on
Ideology in The Stranger by Albert Camus
Albert Camus Biography
Revisiting The Myth of Sisyphus
Social Expectations, The Rule of Empathy and Sympathy in The Stranger
Nihilism and Existentialism in Albert Camus' The Stranger
Meursault is a nihilist, however one that stands for some ambiguous “something” of his own determination – lending his character a quiet and intense dignity despite his cold and aloof exterior. It is this wholesale honesty of character, of simple integrity that lends the only sympathetic note to an overtly self-conscious and somewhat dull character. However, it is due to this self-consciousness and heightened awareness of his own existence in a larger contextual framework that marks the strong existentialist streak running throughout the novel.
Meursault is an extremely eccentric and unique character, and it is for this reason that the entire novel is really a battle fought on two fronts – with the reader trying to nail down Meursault's actual personality, and also trying to figure out whether empathy is the cause or the cure of the problems contained within the narrative.
In Meursault's last days, imprisoned and facing the cold steel of the guillotine, he reflects upon the constellations and of the change from night to day – observing both the magnitude and inexorable progress of a benign universe that cared little for his own private drama as well as the general transience of life itself, particularly the social aires and constructions that are projected with such degrees of absurd authority. An excellent instance of this is the sentence of death being levied upon him by “the French people”, as if they were a homogenous and unilateral judge.
The Stranger by Albert Camus is a character study that not only offers us a vision of the man, but a very accurate portrait of general society as it expects to receive us – as servants to a certain code of empathy, sympathy puma mihara, and appearances whether our heart, or our belief, lies within it or no.

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