PostWysłany: ¦ro 11:23, 16 Mar 2011    Temat postu: Monogram Multicolore Canvas

I myself love the Monogram Multicolore Canvas, a masterwork of Takashi Murakami for Louis Vuitton. The cowhide leather trimmings of Louis Vuitton Monogram Multicolore Patti form a fab contrast with the classic black Monogram Multicolore Canvas. The leather strap connected by two parts of metallic chain is also impressive. After opening the front flap, you will see a large flat pocket with a Louis Vuitton Inventeur leather plate. The supple and durable micorfibre lining can certainly satisfy you. Besides, the bag is also available in white Monogram Multicolore Canvas. Measuring 25.5cm x 15.5cm x 13.2cm, this bag can definitely hold enough daily essentials, like some make-ups, cards, cell phones and even a water bottle. I love this design which, to some degree,knockoff christian louboutin shoes, combines softness and toughness.
And if you find it difficult to spend that much money on such a bag, high grade replicas are available online. These replica bags are made with fine materials, with each of the details copying the counterparts on the original ones. Manufacturers are trying their best to make them the exact copies of the genuine ones in terms of appearance. So they are the best substitutes for the costly real things, which are beyond the economical reach of most common people. Besides,christian louboutin Platform Pumps, the low prices allow you to own more than one of them to match your different outfits.
Ladies tend to get shocked by this appealing and distinctive Birkin bag at the first glance. Hermes named it after British actress Jane Birkin in 1984, with prices starting at about $9,000, but now the price has run up to tens of thousands of dollars, which,Eye Glasses Frames, has also made it a tool use by people to maintain value or as investment. Yet, still, we can not neglect the high cost of making the bag itself.
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