PostWysłany: ¦ro 5:34, 09 Mar 2011    Temat postu: DOE's LM80 often more than 300 days of the time

Occupy an important position in the export and domestic market is weak, especially in the Pearl River Delta LED business, many companies accounted for more than 50% export ratio. Mainly because of LED product prices relative to Chinese consumers remains high, the Chinese sales of LED application products mainly concentrated in the commercial lighting and municipal engineering, general consumer acceptance is still low.
LED mergers among enterprises is rare. Little LED on the market today and among enterprises? Cases, companies were basically on its own scale. Relative to the market, thousands of enterprises, between enterprises and?
Negligible proportion. LED market is still mainly immature and full competition, most companies can find their own living space. However, relative to the chief? Recombinant small number of cases,display signs, the Chinese LED industry to enter and exit each of the business very much. There is no doubt behind brand building, brand is to overcome the crisis through a difficult steel armor, so to enhance the lighting industry in crisis,business signs, the anti-risk ability, we must work hard in the development of the brand,menu board, to create a unique lighting brand development .
Implementation of the multi-brand strategy,electric signs, many companies that implemented in a multi-brand operation, a variety of sales and marketing between brands is entirely separate from, but its organization and management development, production and sharing of resources, which undoubtedly optimized resources, making full use of corporate resources. Different positioning of products to fight for greater market segmentation cake lighting industries, so that the entire market share increased. Not only expand the company's influence in the industry, the enterprise is to achieve maximum benefits.
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