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Wysłany: Pi± 11:42, 11 Lut 2011 Temat postu: The Synthesis of Gracillin and Dioscin TWO Typical |
The Synthesis of Gracillin and Dioscin: TWO Typical Representatives of Spirostanol Glycosides
, 1H, 2.5Hz, 15.5Hz, H. 6, b1. 3.84 (d, 1H, 8.0Hz, 9.5Hz. H.2,), 3.74 (m, 1H. H.5,). 3.66 (I1H, H.3). 3.47 (m, lH, H_26a), 3.38 (t, 1H, H-26b). 2.15. 2. O8, 2.03, (3s, 9H, H-OAc). 1.323H, 6. OHz. H-6, O. 95 (d, 3H, 7.0Hz), 0.88 (s, 3H), 0.77 (d, 3H, J = 6.0Hz), 0.74 (s, an). (2xC). 129.8 (2xC). 129.7 (2xc), 129.3 (overlap, 2xC), 129.2,128.6 (2xC), 128.4 (2xC), 128.3 (2xc ). 122.2,109.3,100.1,97.3,8 O.8, 79.8,75.3,75. O, 71.9,71.6,UGG ブーツ,71.2. 69.5, 68.9,66.8,66.7,62.2,62.1. 56.4.50.O, 41.6,40.2,39.7,38.7. 37.1. 36. 8,32.1,31.9,31.5,31.4. 30.3. 29.8,28.8. 20.8 (2xc), 20.7,2 O.6, 19.2,17 .4,17.1,16.2,14.5. Ana1.calcdforC ~-IsoO18: C,timberland portugal, 68.24; H, 6.95.Found: C. 68.52; H, 6.94.5: r0'1 +32.8 fc1.O, CHC111, FAB.MS: 1035 (M +1); 'HNMR (CDC1500MHz18.08.7.24 (m, 15H. H. OBz), 5.79 (dd. 1H . 3.5Hz. 10.0Hz, H a 3 ; 3,5.56 Ors, 1H, H-1, 5.44 (d, 1H, 4.5Hz, H-6), 4.72 (m, 1H, H · 5 1H, 8.0Hz, H-1) ,3.92-3 .76 (r3H,tory burch outlet, H-2, H-3, H_4), (m, 3H, H.5. H- 6a, b】, 3.48 of 1H. H.26a】, 3.4O.3.36 (m, 2H. H.3, H.26b), 1.35 (d. 3H, 6.oHz. H .6, O.98 (d, 3H, 7.0Hz). 0.94 (s, an). 0.793H. 6.0Hz). 0.73 (s, an). 0, l65.9, 165.7. 140.2. 133.5. 133.2. 133.1. 130.0 (2xC), 129.8 (2xC), 129.7 (2xC). 129.4 , 129.3,129.1. 128.6 (2xC), 128.4 (2xC). 128.3 (2xC), 122.0,109.3,100.1,oakley sunglasses,97.5,8 O.8, 79.5,77.8,77.3. 75.1,71.8,7 O.8 (ovedap. 2xC), 70.3,66.8,66.6,62.5. 62.1,56 .4,50.0,41.6,40.3,39.7,38.9,37.1,36.8,32.1,31.9,31.5. 31.4. 3.03 ,ghd glätteisen Deutschland, 29.9,28.8,2 O.8. 19.3,17.4,17.1,16.3,14.5. Ana1.calcdforC6oH74O15: C, 69.6l: H, 7.21.Found : C, 69.47; H. 7.32.Received25July, 2002 |