PostWysłany: Nie 4:48, 23 Sty 2011    Temat postu: Moncler online Bigger and stronger industrial _279

Bigger and stronger industrial fluoride

High a ratio of cryolite to meet international market demand, promote the use of electrolytic aluminum enterprises in the country, a cost, to ensure that the benefits of large pre-baking electrolytic baking, extending the life of electrolytic cell 1. Third, China has opened a production technology precipitated a new era of black-J. By-product of the second production of high quality silicon fluoride silica greatly increased the value-added products. Fourth, the industry created a fluoride salt of a technological revolution, to explore a fluoride salt production enterprises in China to reduce pollution, make full use of resources, new way of circular economy. Fine barium fluoride and other fluoride products, 3,000 tons of capacity. Cryolite production now ranks first in the country. Has formed 1,6 billion annual sales revenue, profit and tax 22 million yuan of the scale. Cryolite to the country's total exports account for 85% of exports for more than 3 consecutive years, ranking first in the country, direct foreign exchange earnings $ 4,810,000. Major economic indicators during the first half of 2004 grew 80%, the population reached 5.04 million U.S. dollars foreign exchange. items, 10 national patents. Non-ferrous metals by the National Standardization Technical Committee commissioned, the company is chaired cryolite revised national standards. The face of heavy industrial development of inorganic fluoride, we will take the initiative to meet the challenge, to play a leading role in guiding, stronger and bigger, so as to drive the whole industry, industrial upgrading and structural adjustment. Our recent development plan is: closely around the development of circular economy, green economy this theme, extend the industrial chain, both ends of the product development and realize the benefit of mankind the idea of fluoride. Through the implementation of brand strategy and international, to strengthen technical innovation and moderate capital expansion, to achieve That by 2007 the output value of 500 million yuan to achieve integrated, profit and tax 100 million yuan; integrated output value of 2010 10 billion yuan, profits and taxes 200 million yuan,Moncler online, the company completed the inorganic fluorine chemical industrial base in China. Recently the company is adopting international advanced technology, investment, annual output of 30,000 tons 1_2 billion yuan in building production lines of anhydrous aluminum fluoride. Annual sales income will be put into operation 1_4 billion, profits of 36 million yuan. Will further improve our manufacturing industry fluoride production and environmental conditions, the salt industry in China entered the fluoride level of advanced countries in the world. Reporter: strengthen and expand the fluoride salt industry in China, you think how to promote the industry linkage, coordinated and healthy development? Hou Hongjun: strengthen and expand the fluoride salt industry long way to go. In addition to the existing play the guiding role of the leading enterprises, the industry outside of the multi-pronged approach, the industry is bigger and stronger unity and common fluoride salt industry to ensure that the key to the healthy development of the industry. After all, the rapid development of China's electrolytic aluminum industry also needs a steady development of the fluoride salt industry. In this regard, I have the following suggestions: the Government's proposals: the development of the fluorite ore project to adhere to the unified planning, orderly development, strict management principles, to prevent over-exploitation and destruction of the behavior of fluorite mineral resources: the introduction of policies,air jordans, by-product of phosphate fluoride to further promote the comprehensive utilization of resources; revised and improved product quality, salts enterprises to participate in global competition, upgrading its industries. The industry's recommendations: to strengthen industry organizations, so as to establish a new mechanism for the operation of industry organizations; establish a sound system of inorganic fluoride industry services, including industrial policy advice,moncler günstig, certification, financing, personnel training and other services, especially to establish inorganic fluoride industry information center, the establishment of online business and information platform; to strengthen the communication with the phosphate fertilizer industry, and exchange for enterprises in the industry with the use of fluoride phosphate fertilizer companies to jointly develop cooperation in matchmaking resources and property rights, good services: strengthening the trade cooperation, and avoid vicious competition, and speed up the pace of industrial restructuring. Recommendations to enterprises: a scientific and rational investment decision-making system, establish a scientific concept of development and global competition,stivali ugg, new ideas. Enterprise development strategy, core competence management to make an objective assessment and accurate positioning,ugg boots günstig, eliminate blind low-level duplicated construction: continuously push forward the concept of innovation, system and institutional innovation, product innovation, followed by the globalization process and the pace of progress in the industry, reducing Gap: According to the current technology and market conditions, attention to recycling of resources related to fluoride in high value-added products to strengthen cooperation with multinational companies, to achieve leapfrog development. I (column Editor: Pan Bin) the role of Jin Lei nitrate 2004.8 15


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