PostWysłany: ¦ro 23:38, 12 Sty 2011    Temat postu: Construction Plan of Taihu Lake water channel abou

On the Taihu River Waterway Construction Strategy

Staggered within canals, lakes and the shipping is very well developed. Taihu Lake water system currently has more than lO00 channel section, navigable mileage of about 12,000 km, four, five, six, seven waterways were 72 km, 603 km, 2011 km and 2813 km, the total mileage of 06%, 5,GHD styler,16 .6 and 23. The rest are so: P level course. Status and level surface to its statement,uggs boots italia, the Taihu Lake water channel can be divided into three levels, one core waterway, waterway ridicule in the whole play. The role of key link, connecting the main channel and take a huge volume, mainly southern canal, long line of Lake Shen Su Shen lines, both inside and outside Hong Kong; Second, the main waterway, connecting all major counties within plating, and assume a larger volume, Zhang Shen main line, Su Yu wire, tin Northern Line, Hang Shen a line, six-level application line Zhajiasu lines; three general paths, different role in the channel network, responsible for specific transport tasks. In general, the Taihu Lake water channel has the following basic features: 1. External conditions are good. Taihu Lake is surrounded by Jiang River waterfront. Principal Wutai Canal, South Canal Jianbi lock, tin flooded canal, Zhang Shen line, the Huangpu River, Chad Ka line, Jiangnan Canal lock,ugg italia, etc. and Jianghai Sanbao communication channel water while relying on Shanghai and other major ports and waterways development building has better external conditions. 2. Channel into a network, has good accessibility. Lake River is a water network areas within the lake area 323I square kilometers. River area of 2943 square km. Surface area of the drainage area of 1 / 6. Ease of navigation along the river have been connected the majority of towns and villages and coastal ports, and 32 [interwoven into a network with good accessibility. 3. Waterway channel is relatively low patency is poor, basically in a natural state, narrow, shallow,ghd nederland, curved, crossing clearance less than building more and shipping has not been a more than four standard route. Almost all have serious Kabo Zi channel segment. In addition. Scouring the ship crossing the wharf, so that a serious blockage of waterways, with sailing density, blocking the vessels have occurred from time. 4. Aircraft was network \Air traffic has been the backbone of the total committed volume of half of the water network, and its channel scale and the other channel was not much difference, it is difficult to bear the enormous volume and realization of direct transport hesitate Basin. Waterway construction Building pattern analysis pattern in Taihu Lake water in the river by boats and water transport within the industrial distribution of the flow of goods. Industrial production within the two river systems outside the industrial layout of Shanghai as the center, and Huzhou, Zhejiang and Jiangsu's Suzhou and other cities too Zhenning body of the triangle, along the distribution, water-based play modes of transport. Taihu Lake water under normal circumstances to complete the cargo area of the shipping traffic of more than 50 Chief, the main features of flow of goods: building material brought in Shanghai, Hong Kong sulfur materials, coal, and a hundred other miscellaneous shipped from Shanghai and Hong Kong. Waterway Construction layout should be based. South Canal Zongchuan north and south, is the freight and coal from north to south within the total transport route, is also hesitate transport and harbor basin and local acts trunk. Shen Long Lake east-west line, both mine construction materials delivered to the Shanghai an important route,ugg stiefel, but also goods Wan Shanghai is an important transport route. South Canal and Long Lake Shen Ping Wang orthogonal lines, constitute the basic situation of Taihu Lake water channel situation. Su Shen inside and outside the port line is leading to Shanghai, Jiangsu Province, an important collection and distribution routes, Xicheng Canal, South Canal can be seen as double-track through river. Zhang (the switch 34) Xi O
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