PostWysłany: Pon 16:48, 08 Lis 2010    Temat postu: ugg botas Six optical microscopy map of precious m

Six optical microscopy map of precious metals

jectwordsPreciousmetalalloy ~, MetallographicStructure ① Au a 9j (wLN) 850. G after solution treatment, and then by 400. cl0h ~ - effectively, a (Au) + q (i). (800 ×) ② Au a 9Nj a 0.5Gd,ugg botas, , vt%, cast,ugg stiefel, dendrite, plus a few trace Gd has refined the role of the organization. (34 ×) reward offer 091 years ③ Au-14Cu-t0Ag a 5Pt a 1Ni, wt,ghd haarglätter, 750. c insulation 5h furnace cooling to room temperature,ghd styler, the grain boundary with a little first: phase. (I00 ×) ④ Au a 20Sn, wt%,ghd deutschland, casting Chi, Mao + (6 + wool) eutectic. (600 ×)
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