PostWysłany: Sob 11:07, 08 Sty 2011    Temat postu: Railway Passenger evaluation of external market co

Railway Passenger evaluation of external market competitiveness

Evaluation system assignment Hu = (Ef / E a) -100 (5) where: E for the various hubs of the transfer system and the evaluation coefficient assignment; E systems for all types of transfer factor at the maximum of the assignment and, according to Table 2 for the 3.3. 3 evaluation example Hangzhou railway hub status of the total figure shown in Figure 2. Hangzhou railway hub currently equipped with two Terminal: Main Terminal Station of Hangzhou, Hangzhou East Railway Station as a secondary terminal. In accordance with the overall urban planning, from the old city of Hangzhou as the core of block,ugg boots ireland, into the Qiantang River as the axis of the Crossing the River, along the development, the formation of \with \With the urban east and south development, Hangzhou East Railway Station will be in the central area of the east. Xiao Miao tide. . i. . {} In accordance with the above evaluation method, Hangzhou Station,moncler jacken, Hangzhou East Railway Station in the external market competitiveness were evaluated, the results are as follows: Figure 2 Schematic diagram of Hangzhou railway hub status (1) Population assessment of the value of location index (Px) of the main indicators of express bus terminal to the market potential. According to the distribution of urban population in 2020 and 12 traffic in the area to the station in Hangzhou and Hangzhou East Station by road distance, calculate the two stations populated areas can get X-bit index statistics are: Hangzhou station, 9.87km; Hangzhou East Station,ugg boots sale, 9.16km. Two stations the evaluation of population index value of location Px: Hangzhou station O. 73, Hangzhou East Railway Station is O. 75. (2) travel time evaluation of the value of location index (CY) describes the transport of the target region to the two station travel time. As the external traffic in the area bus system over the central area of sparse coverage, it is outside of traffic areas in the case of the same distance will consume more time. According to the actual situation of the major areas which will 7A, 7 increase in traffic in the area 5rain additional time will be a large area to increase traffic l0rain 6,9,10 additional time. According to the amount of traffic in the area of foreign travel, the use of 20km, 'h as the speed of urban traffic, the two stations can be calculated travel time was the location index statistics are: Hangzhou station, 0.78h; Hangzhou East Railway Station, 0.65h . Two stations travel time evaluation of the value of location index Cv: Hangzhou station was 0.80, 0.82, Hangzhou East Railway Station. (3) network connectivity conditions (L) under the status and planning, Hangzhou station, left and right are three roads, Hangzhou East Railway Station and left in front of each of two roads, which can get two points for the L station in Hangzhou 0.80, Hangzhou East Railway Station is 0,timberland portugal,88. (4) Transfer the conditions (H) the station in Hangzhou and Hangzhou East Railway Station there are changes, the possibility of expansion, so that the two stations of the evaluation may be the best transfer. Namely: the platform can be formed with zero-rail transfer, and bus, coach, private car transfer from top to bottom can be formed or other transfer methods. Therefore,tiffany schmuck, the transfer index LIf two stations are 0.86. Summary of the indicators of external competitiveness as shown in Table 3. The foreseeable future station in Hangzhou, Hangzhou East Railway Station is more than the external market competitiveness advantage. Table 3 external market competitiveness
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